Monday, January 14, 2013

Invite and first round of paperwork!

Weeeee! So where do I even start? The start of my amazing and lucky 2013 started December 22nd when I received an email from Marlboro saying I and a friend had been invited to Chill off the Grid at the Marlboro Ranch! Needless to say, I was EXTREMELY skeptical. Well after doing quite a bit of research everything looked pretty legit. I had tossed the idea around of who I would want to bring and decided to bring one of my best friends, Emily. Working at the same place, I knew she'd be able to get the time off to go. So needless to say she was pretty stoked when I invited her. We got the first round of paperwork January 2nd and sent it out the same day. DL-Blair, the company that handles the paperwork for Marlboro, got the packet on the 3rd. So we sat and waited and waited and waited. I must mention however, on the 8th, I won shake a day at the bar, then this last Saturday, I won on a Packer board (even though they sucked) AND won another shake a day. I may have a horse-shoe up my butt that I don't know about. :) So then today rolled around. Started off almost like any other day other than that I could not sleep for the life of me for some reason... And then I got a phone call today that explained it all! It was the lady from Marlboro saying I was an official winners and she was calling me with dates to pick from! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I was driving from picking Ayden up from daycare and I started shaking and was SOOOO excited I drove straight to Emily's house to share the news. We got to pick from the end of February or a week or so into March, so I picked the sooner the better. :) Now that I know it's real I can't stop looking at pictures and websites and everything to see what's to come. I think it's still going to be surreal enough that it'll be a surprise too. So now we just sit and wait for 42 days. Our "fun" paperwork should arrive in 7-10 days with the activities we want to pick from. After some digging, I've found we can do dog-sledding, zip-lining, snowmobiling and even ice-fishing! I think the next 42 days may be the longest days of my life. Well that's all I've got for now. :) I'll post again when I get the fun paperwork! YAYYY!

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